
Archive for February, 2010

March approacheth!

So this is going to be a boring blog because I don’t have pics of any new FO’s. I’m sick of the very old and very poor quality camera I have right now and will be getting a new one in the forseeable future. In the meantime I will just ramble for a bit.

I’m stage managing for Prime Stage’s production of Romeo and Juliet, which is performing at the end of April, so that will be taking up a significant amount of my time. I still have plenty of time for crafting though. I’m also working with the guys over at BenzidreamFX studios in the casting dept for the films they shoot. So far so good. I really need to get out of my food service wage job that I have, but I can’t give up the security of that weekly paycheck yet. I think most people have to battle that same issue and never follow their dreams or desires because of the promise of easy and consistent income… If I didn’t have too-little in my savings account and monthly school loan repayments I would be fully self-employed right now.

Hopefully in 6 months I will be able to re-visit this blog and have money flowing in freely from all of the shows that I’m working on and not from the Olive Garden… I’m allowed to be a dreamer :p

In crafting news: I finished not only the Dr.Who scarf (and gave it away before I took finalized pics of course) but I also started and finished my first pair of simple knitted socks! I also just put the fabric lining into the acorn bag I crocheted forever ago and I’m giving that to its owner tomorrow (likely without taking pics first). I will make sure to get follow up pics of the items in action with their new people.

Now that I’ve finished a small but impressive pile of projects I wanted to move onto the next one, but uh oh, what to make next?? I’ve been hunting more and more knitting patterns since I’m comfortable with it. I decided to go with the best of both world and I started a knitting and a crochet project. Both are going to be thigh high when completed. One is a pair of crocheted fishnet stockings, based off of this blog pattern. The other is a pair of light ww striped thigh high socks, perfect for renn faire season, here.

Both are excellent patterns. The crochet fishnets are flying right along because there’s barely anything to them, which is awesome. The knitted thigh highs are barely into the ribbing. I’m always paranoid that my knitting items wont come out the proper size, and yes I’m guilty of not doing a test swatch so it’s my own fault if they’re goofy. They’re also knitted on 5dpn’s instead of 4 so that extra needle in the mix is throwing me a bit. Getting them started is always the hard part and I’m close to the point where I can just knit and go and aside from some minor shaping, shouldn’t be too challenging. Just time consuming I think.

Every time I look at my yarn collection I’m filled with a sense of disappointment. Only because, for years, I have been telling myself that I will stop buying new yarn until the stuff that I have has been used up and sold or given away. I’ve been crocheting for 7 years now and knitting for less than one and I only ever end up with more and more yarn. I’ve tried various methods of storage and ways of encouraging myself to use it more and make projects go faster. But invariably every time I start a new project I never have quite the right color, or the right yarn weight and have to go out to the store ANYWAY to get the yarn I really need. So all the wonderful worsted red heart just sits and sits. And the cones of cotton, and the fancy eyelash yarns, and so on. Everything that just calls out to be something, just not sure what. I can never match a pattern to a yarn I have and want to use. I’m ranting… about yarn… There are starving kids in the world and I’m complaining about yarn. I would knit them hats but it’s friggin hot just about anywhere that is rather poor and underdeveloped.

I think I’m going to hide all of my yarn away from myself while I’m not using it, and then when I begin new projects I will dive into my secret hiding places and pick out the stuff I need, and not buy any more. That way my bedroom, where I keep all of my yarn in hanging sweater organizers on a clothing rack, will not look like a deranged cat lady lives here.

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